#Winwedge software pro#
Generate an unlimited list of tax authorities (examples: federal (5%), state (0.5%), city (0.2%), county (0.WinWedge Pro is a highly advanced set of applications that all work together to get data from practically any type of data source (RS232, RS485, some USB, TCP/IP or Disk File Data) directly into any application program or web application running on a stand-alone PC or across any TCP/IP network - including Ethernet or the Internet.Implementation of zones and hauler payables.
#Winwedge software pdf#
#Winwedge software full#
Full reporting by account, revenue, tonnage, material and transaction (Trans- Act Plus only).Transaction importing/exporting for long distance transfers in non-networking applications.Predetermined keyboard and automatic tare entry.Full database backup and purge functions.Fault-tolerant data recovery to protect from system crashes.Unlimited configurable ticket formats (TransAct LE only).Interfaces to ticket, tape, dot-matrix and laser printers (TransAct LE only).Ticket editing, voiding, reprinting with the Quickscan utility.Invoice and statement reprinting options (by range of invoice numbers or date) (reprint invoice, reprint summary report, reprint detailed report).Invoice and statement printing options (print summary report, print detailed report).3 combined invoices/statement option (balance forward list ticket) Two invoice options available (open item, balance forward).Invoice processing is separate from statement processing.Updated accounting features (TransAct Plus only).Detailed tax reports by each tax authority.Generate unlimited tax codes from the list of tax authorities up to five tax authorities can be selected for each tax code (examples: federal + state = 5.5%, federal + state = 5.7%)).Integración de Sistemas / Celdas de Carga.
Intrínsecamente Seguro / Ambiente Peligroso.Básculas de Mecánicas de Palanca Tubular.